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The end of the wait artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : The end of the wait (기다림의 끝은..) size : 41cm x 32cm date:2013 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2013. 2. 27.
Wandering and chaos artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : Wandering and chaos (방황과 혼돈) size : 61cm x 54cm date:2013 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2013. 2. 27.
And the wood and the woman artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : And the wood and the woman (그리고 나무와 여인) size : 41cm x 32cm date:2013 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2013. 2. 26.
My self-portrait artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : My self-portrait (나의 자화상) size : 41cm x 32cm date:2013 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2013. 2. 26.
Palace of Fine Art -팰리스 오브 파인 아트 파크 artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : Palace of fine arts park size : 65.5cm x 50cm date:2013 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2013. 2. 24.
Where is the end of wandering artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : Where is the end of wandering (방황의 끝은 어디에..) size : 61.5cm x 46cm date:2003 stuff : canvas medium : oil painting address : seoul 2013. 2. 24.
County of Lee's March artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : County of Lee's March (현리의 3월) size : 53cm x 45.5cm date:2003 stuff : canvas medium : oil painting address : seoul 2013. 2. 24.
American there artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : American there (아메리칸 그곳엔) size : 92cm x 53cm date:2013 stuff : wood medium : mixed media address : seoul 2013. 2. 23.
속초로의 겨울여행 잠시 머리도 식힐겸 가벼운 여행을 떠난다. 자주 찾는 속초로의 여행... 아직은 많은눈이 쌓여있는 울산바위 줌으로 당겨 본 울산바위의 웅장함에 감탄만 나온다. 이 눈은 3월까지 저 모습을 하고있을것이다. 울산바위의 전경...몇번을 봐도 웅장한 모습이며 한 여름엔 정상까지 밟아봤다... 2013. 2. 20.
Ice tree and morning glory artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : Ice tree and morning glory (얼음나무와 나팔꽃) size : 210cm x 80cm date:2005 stuff : canvas medium : oil painting address : seoul 2013. 1. 3.
Red carpet of the Woman artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : Red carpet of the Woman (붉은 카펫위의 여자) size : 45.5cm x 38cm date:2010 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2012. 12. 31.
Awful loneliness artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : Awful loneliness (지독한 외로움) size : 53cm x 41cm date:2012 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2012. 12. 31.
The weight of life artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : The weight of life (삶의 무게) size : 53cm x 41cm date:2012 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2012. 12. 31.
Comparison artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : Comparison (비교) size : 61cm x 51cm date:2011 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2012. 12. 27.
prayers artist : dea myung kim (dowhain) title : prayers (염불) size : 53cm x 45cm date:2012 stuff : canvas medium : mixed media address : seoul 2012. 12. 27.